9,011,279 – Dr. Johnson – Throwing dart

Patent No.: 9,011,279 (get PDF)

Title: Throwing dart

Assignee: Johnson; Lanny L.

Abstract: A throwing dart having a handle that provides a user with tactile biofeedback. The handle includes a handle body having an exterior body surface defined by a first octant, a second octant, a third octant, a fourth octant, a fifth octant, a sixth octant, a seventh octant, and an eighth octant. The handle includes at least a first tactile reference indentation, or projection, that extends longitudinally along the exterior body surface and is confined to a first tactile octant. The first tactile reference indentation, or projection, is formed with dimensions specifically tailored to harness the user’s natural attributes of sensibility, proprioception, and neuromuscular memory to improve a user’s accuracy.

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